Top 10 Upcoming Technologies in 2017
We live in a world where technology is moving fast. In order to manage these rapid changes and to stay up to date with the world around us, we need to develop our understanding of how technology works and develop skills and capabilities, that will help us adapt to the evolution of technology. Technology is constantly evolving and maturing. It moves from a formative, undefined entity to one that is widely accepted and becomes so commonplace that we wonder how we ever functioned without it. From businesses to individual consumers, everyone is connected to everyone, everywhere, all the time.
There are so many interesting and compelling advancements in technology at the moment and so much promise. Newer technologies such as smart devices, IoT, software-defined everything and 3D printing are also making headway in their mainstream adoption.
1. Flying Car:
Flying car will be one of the greatest invention of the modern technology. A two-seater flying car which drives on normal roads, using petrol, but can take wing from any open grassy area. Flying cars fly slightly lower than planes. It doesn’t need any airport. Many users will find this a very efficient way to move. It contains various ground-breaking technologies which could spark a new age of personal aviation, such as variable-angle wings which allow it to take off on a much shorter runway than rival aircraft.
Most of the complex flight dynamics of the vehicle are computer controlled, meaning that the pilot uses a few simple controls to direct the craft, and the computer takes care of things like stability and proportional fan speeds. Its makers hope it will change personal transport on a global scale.
2. Driverless Car:
It will be a great achievement of modern technology for the invention of driverless car. We all know that it is very difficult to identify the road signal and the toughest point of a road for the driverless car. However, Autonomous vehicles still struggle with mundane challenges to solve this problems.
Drivers would need to be alerted in good time and would still need to have the driving skills necessary to handle the toughest situations. A vehicle would have to be able to handle all road conditions without handing over to a driver. There are a lot of problems to be resolved before we really could have automatic driving on the road.
3. Home Delivery Drone:
A delivery drone, also known as a parcelcopter, is an unmanned aerial vehicle utilized to transport packages, food or other goods. It is one of the most frustrating aspects of ordering shopping online – coming home to find a dreaded missed delivery card has been posted through your letterbox. But now Amazon hopes to put an end to the problem altogether with its new drone delivery service – by tracking them down even if they are out and about.
A patent filed by the firm reveals that its drones will lock onto a recipient’s smartphone to bring their parcel to their exact location. The machines will even be able to relay information to each other about the weather and traffic conditions on the ground.
4. 3D-printing Materials:
3D printing manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. 3D printing has been a hyped technology for a number of years now, but it is said what’s for more exciting than the concept of 3D-printing as a whole are the materials we can create 3D-printed objects with. These range from biological materials, to carbon-fibre infused plastics and food.
3D printing’s uses range from practical objects for everyday use to commercial products and parts used in manufacturing, plus the technology holds promise for bioprinting of human parts for medical purposes.
5. The Device Mesh:
The device mesh refers to an expanding set of endpoints people use to access applications and information or interact with people, social communities, governments and businesses. The device mesh includes mobile devices, wearable, consumer and home electronic devices, automotive devices and environmental devices. In the recent world the focus shifts to the mobile user who is surrounded by a mesh of devices extending well beyond traditional mobile devices.
A variety of other trends have led to an increased number of sensors embedded in many technologies and devices that we use personally and professionally. They become smarter as they gather more data on our daily patterns. It predicts that these sensors, which tend to work in silos today will increasingly work in concert, leading to even greater insights about our daily patterns.
6. Ambient UX User Experience:
The device mesh creates the foundation for a new continuous and ambient user experience. Immersive environments delivering augmented and virtual reality hold significant potential but are only one aspect of the experience. It refers to these devices and sensors’ ability to gather more contextual data as described above as AMbient UX.
The challenge will be with application design, anticipating this level of device synchronicity and collaboration, for lack of better framing. It posits that the devices and sensors will become so smart that they will be able to organize our lives without our even noticing that they are doing so.
7. 5G:
5G is going to be a new mobile revolution in mobile tele-phone market. 5G technologies now we can use worldwide cellular phones and this technology also strike the china mobile market and a user being competent to get access to USA phone as a local phone. Because of 5G technology the customers can be offered approximately priceless handset to its customers. In future also 5G will take over the world market. One of the biggest advantages of 5G is, it has excellent capability to support both software and consultancy. 5G network will provide high connectivity because of switch and router technology.
If we will compare 5G with other generation mobile phones, it is obvious that 5G has some extraordinary features and advantages. 5G has better coverage area and high data rate at the edge of the cell, It has low battery consumption, Availability of multiple data transfer path, Around 1 Gbps data rate is easily possible, Security is more, Energy efficiency and spectral efficiency are good.Due to the above advantages, 5th generation wireless system is very much essential.
8. Consumer Robotics:
Consumer robotics is going to be all about the new home front where personal robots become our friends, companions and helpers through that most special of human gifts. 2015 has already been a big year for this field, and it is reported that a robot called Pepper was launched on the market in June in Japan and this was sold immediately. New models are also emerging, such as Buddy, a robot touted to interact and connect with family members.
It`s a profound moment for human that robot has made life easy. Different types of robot are available now. Some of them Smart Toys, Educational/Robotic Kits (simple kits), Educational/Robotic Kits (complex kits), Hobby Robots, Outdoor Home Care/Lawn Care Robots, Indoor Home Care Robots, Personal Robots, and Home Healthcare Robots.
9. The Internet of Things(IoT):
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or “things” embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data. IoT platforms complement the vast network of applications and services architecture an organisation can govern. Management, security and integration standards of IoT platforms are the core to building elements in the Internet of Things as a whole.
Standards in the IoT platform also help to set the capabilities for communicating and controlling endpoints in the IoT, along with its security and overall management.
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